NAB's Values
1. Equity, Inclusivity & Social Justice: We proactively address injustice, inequality, and imbalance in society to create impact at local, provincial, and national levels, focusing on blind and partially sighted persons. We embrace inclusivity, ensuring that individuals of all genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, and other intersecting identities are respected and represented.
2. Integrity & Trust: We are committed to honesty and transparency. We work responsibly, ensuring consistency between our words and actions. Our commitment extends to every aspect of our work, with a focus on building trust within and outside the organization.
3. Innovation, Creativity & Sustainable Change: We seek new and improved ways to advance our mission. By respecting local knowledge, good practices, and culture, we innovate sustainably to bring lasting change to the lives of persons with disabilities, particularly blind and partially sighted individuals.
4. Care for the Environment: We strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment through better resource management, reducing and reusing materials. We also ensure that environmental practices do not inadvertently exclude persons with disabilities.
5. Accessibility & Reasonable Accommodation: We are dedicated to ensuring that blind and partially sighted persons have full access to the physical, digital, and social environments. We promote the provision of reasonable accommodations to enable their equal participation in all spheres of life.
6. Nondiscrimination: We actively oppose all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to those based on disability, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and equality.
7. Special Concern for Vulnerable Blind and Partially Sighted Persons: We give priority to those who are most vulnerable, ensuring their well-being and inclusion in all our programs and activities. Our actions reflect our deep commitment to improving the lives of those who face additional barriers due to their disability.
8. Stewardship, Accountability & Partnerships: We are faithful stewards of the resources entrusted to us, ensuring they benefit blind and partially sighted persons in need. We act with honesty and transparency, regularly seeking feedback from stakeholders to continuously improve our processes. We also value partnerships with organizations, communities, and stakeholders to maximize the impact of our work.