Sales and Services

Our Sales since 2003:  

Financial Sustainability is one of the main goals of NAB. NAB is committed to making available appropriate reading materials, educational materials and assistive devices on the basis of no loss no gain. NAB doesn't aim to make profit but continues to supply appropriate items easily across the country at a reasonable fair price. Below is the list of items required for Blind and Visually impaired persons.   

Available reading materials in Braille:  

  1. Nepali and English medium textbooks for Grades 1 to 12  
  1. Constitution of Nepal, 2072  
  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  
  1. Marrakesh Treaty  
  1. Convention on the Rights of the Child  
  1. Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2074  
  1. Advocacy Toolkit  
  1. Mentorship Toolkit and   
  1. the ability to print other required materials as needed  
  1. English Braille Contractions  
  1. Braille Graphics  
  1. Braille Visiting Cards  
  1. Educational and Assistive Materials  
  1. Writing Slate/Stylus (27 lines)  
  1. White Cane  
  1. Chessboard  
  1. Braille Printer  
  1. Braille Notetaker  
  1. Braille and Talking Watches  
  1. Braille Learning Board  
  1. Cricket Sound Ball , Sound Football 
  1. Geometry Box  
  1. Mathematics Boards  
  1. DAISY Player