Computer Training

Computer training program since 2000 

NAB conducts three months basic computer training course to 30 blind and partially sighted youths every year at the central office Kathmandu which is one and only training course in Nepal.  The training runs in 3 batches, with 10 trainees in each batch. The purpose of training is to make participants ready for higher education, employment opportunities and overall personality development. In order to provide access to student from outside the valley, NAB provides stipends to all the trainees while hostel for the female trainees.  

Initially the training was conducted on 2000 with the partnership of USC Nepal until 2003. Following this, in the partnership with Action Aid Nepal the training continued until 2008. The training has been continuing with the support of Nepal government since 2009.  

Training Procedure  

The training runs in two shifts. In addition, the course is imparted with orientation& mobility training and English language. A screen reader named NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access) is used for computer training.   


  1. Small training hall for accommodating only 5 trainees in one shift. 
  1. Lack of latest version computers for smooth and effective training. 
  1. Lack of expertise and financial support to conduct advanced course.