Nabin in her school class room

Nabina Shrestha is a 29 years old lady living in ShuklaGandaki-7, Shantinagar, Tanahun. She was born in 1992. Her father's name is Ram Kumar Shrestha and   Chameli Shrestha is the mother.   They are poor farmer. They don’t have regular source of income. Father had been working in a government School as a peon. He has been retired because of the age limit without pension. Nabina is the youngest daughter among five. 

She is the congenital blind. She has little vision in her right eye and NPL in other. She was taken to eye hospital for treatment. But it was late according to Doctor.  Due to the poor financial condition of the family, Nabina’s eye could not be checked up in time. Later, it was too delay so her treatment could not be done. 

 After that, father admitted her in the community school  where  he used to work. But it wasn’t really easy for her to study in that school due to inaccessible environment for the BPS student. Having this difficulty, her father took her  to one of the   integrated school for the blind   in Devghat for the admission which is 108 km. far away from her house. After a year, she left the school because of the long distance. It used to be happen the problem at the time of vacation. She continued her study in the previous school. She appeared the S.L.C examination in 2015 but, she couldn’t pass the exam. 

Ms. Mina Hamal an Enumerator of NAB, Rehabilitation Program, met her at home on October 2020 during the disability household Survey. She was found to be frustrated and depressed.  “She wanted to continue her study and to become an   able lady in the days to come. But, there was nobody to show her path. She was looking for the opportunity” says, Nabina.  

Parents were also worried about her future. Parents wanted to have solution.  

After the interview, enumerator Ms. Mina contacted to office about Nabina’s issues. Office suggested to Mina to do counseling for continuing education.  

Nabina working with her slates

In line with the suggestion, Mina went back to Nabina for the counseling.  Both Nabina and parents were ready to continue the school. But they wanted nearer school so that they should not spend much time and money as before for coming and going during the vacation.  

Office therefore, established contact to Amar Singh secondary school an integrated school for the blind which is 37 km. from her home town.  School took it positively.   

Finally, Nabina got   enrollment in Amar Singh Secondary School, Pokhara. Now she is very happy to study there.   She is enjoying with her blind peer.  

According to the teacher, Nabina seems energetic for study. She is progressing day-by-day.   

Her peers say, Nabina is friendly and cooperative.  

Parents express happiness to have been new life by Nabina.  

In the conclusion, Where is will, there is a way. Age never creates the obstacle for the progress. Person him or herself should be readiness for the change.