NABP Project

Training to blind leaders

In Nepal, NABP collaborates with Nepal Association of the Blind (NAB) to implement initiatives focused on NAB organizational strengthening, and rehabilitation programs aiming to improved socio-economic status, education and health of blind and partially sighted (BPS) people through service delivery and advocacy. This program has been implemented since 1998 to till date.  

The program mainly covers four thematic areas: 

Human Rights and Organizational Development: 

Under this thematic area, NAB conducts need based capacity development training to the blind and partially sighted leaders, human rights education, awareness and advocacy campaigns, expansion of NAB branches by mobilizing the trained leaders having mentorship skills.  

Inclusive Education: 

Under this thematic area NAB conducts school enrollment, provide support to appropriate learning materials, conduct need-based teacher training, advocacy for educational policy formulation and implementation, monitoring of the resource schools, provide orientation to the local authorities and school management, Parent counselling  for schooling blind and partially sighted children.  

Health and Rehabilitation: 

It is one of the key components of community-based rehabilitation programs (CBR), empowerment and inclusion programs. It includes Basic Rehabilitation services (counselling, orientation & mobility (O&M), Life skill training), mobile eye screening camps and Cataract surgery. Basic Rehabilitation services are provided to the Blind and Visually impaired clients to their own home by the trained field staffs. While the eye health services are provided in the community in collaboration with Local eye hospitals and Local government. So far, NAB has examined the eyesight of 60,000 people and performed 12,500 cataract surgeries free of cost at 12 districts (Bardiya, Dang,  Kapilbastu, Rupandedhi, Nawalpur, Parasi, Chitwan, Makwanpur, Mahottari, Gorkha, Dhanding and Tanahu). These services were provided after the door-to-door survey.  

Economic Empowerment: 

  • Many studies have shown that most of the blind and partially sighted individuals are deprived of economic opportunities. NAB employment record shows that very few of them have access to formal wages. The government does not have regular skill development sector targeting blind and partially sighted persons. Rights of Person with disabilities act 2017, mandates that: 
  •  persons with disabilities should be provided with equal access to employment opportunities without discrimination. Employers must not deny employment solely based on disability, A quota system reserves at least 5% of government jobs for persons with disabilities. This aims to ensure representation in the public sector and increase workforce participation,  
  • Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations and adjustments in the workplace, such as accessible facilities, technologies, and resources, to enable persons with disabilities to work effectively. 
  • Recruitment processes must be accessible, with fair assessment criteria that consider the specific needs of persons with disabilities. 
  • prohibits discrimination or mistreatment in the workplace based on disability, ensuring fair treatment and protection of employment rights. 

Project offices besides Central Office: 

  • Kanchanpur in Sudurpachim Province 
  • Sunsari in Koshi Province 
  • Gorkha and Tanahu in Gandaki Province 
  • Dhading in Bagmati Province